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Yay! Welcome to My Author Website.


Super excited that I've finally taken the leap. I started planning this way too many years ago. The need to have an author website. But I kept putting it off for two reasons. First, I wasn't sure if I was ready to make the investment it would cost when I'm not earning anything from my writing yet. And second because I felt like I wasn't "there" yet.

Where's there, you ask? The place of feeling authentic. Like a real author. A professional author. The place where many of my fiction books are still in formative stages—not ready to submit to an agent or editor. Although, I have pitched a couple of them at conferences and even submitted them to a handful of agents. I received some very kind rejection letters.

But three things occurred recently that made me realize I needed to stop being an amateur and act like a real author.

  • One of my short stories was accepted in an anthology!!! Super excited. Details will follow on once I get the marketing go ahead.

  • I typed the end to the first book in my Space Trilogy!!! Again. Super excited. I've only been working on it for five years. I'm a very slow writer. Still some needed edits and rewrites before it's ready for submission. But I already have book two in the series half written.

  • I begin a concentrated and concerted effort on the sixth book in the Be Still photo devotional series. Which means I have five books available for sale on Amazon. (Six if you count the companion devotional I wrote for Explore.)

Three BIG reasons to finally make the leap. That and I celebrated a "season of life" birthday recently. So, I'd say it's time.

I've had a blog site for some time now and I write about all kinds of things, like books, recipes, abundant living, Hill Country living, travel, and the like. If you're interested, hop on over to Can't wait to see you there.

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