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Those who have gone before


I posted this blog on my worpress site in 2014 when I first wanted to start documenting my writing. Truly I have added many more resources to my toolkit since then. And someday soon I'll revisit and update. But until then, these are a great place to start.

An ancient writer once penned the thought that since we are surrounded by all those who have gone before, an enormous cloud of witnesses, we should strip off everything that slows us down or holds us back, especially whatever easily trips us up. And we should run with endurance the particular race our Creator has made us for and has set before us.

I love the fact that our Creator has made us for something special, something unique. We are created in His image, and since He creates, we too can reflect Him in our creativity. He is the Master Story Writer and it is with delight that I find myself drawn into His big upper story, into all of our lower stories, and even into the stories we create, tell, and write.

Over the past three years I have submersed myself in growing as a writer. It all started with a story idea at the beginning of November 2011. Through FaceBook, I discovered NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and, because the time had finally come, I started writing again. I haven’t looked back. What I have done, though, is search internet blog sites and book stores for direction, advice and expertise on the craft. I also began attending a writer’s group and joined ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). I am rejoicing as the Lord brings into my life the opportunity to hear from, meet, and talk to published authors. I am awed by the place I am in.

It can be overwhelming, but I am so excited to be a part of it. I have a long list of books on my “to read” list, but a few I have already found helpful are:

James Scott Bell: Write Your Novel From The Middle Plot & Structure James Lofquist: Tell, Don’t Show! Gloria Kempton Write Great Fiction – Dialogue

And a few of the websites I follow are: C.S. Lakin at Live Write Thrive K.M Weiland at Helping Writers Become Authors Hilari Bell at Hilari Bell

What a blessing it is to live in the time we do, like none that has preceded. Never before have we had access to so many of those who have gone before and who are willing to teach us, mentor us, share with us what they have learned so that we can follow in their footsteps. This is true for many activities, but, obviously, I specifically mean writing. At the touch of my keyboard, I can find websites filled with valuable instruction on perfecting the craft of story telling, books overflowing with ideas, guidance and help with writing, as well as conferences across the country. I look forward to every connection with those who are also on the journey and with those who have gone before.

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